The Divine Mercy Ministry here at St Martha's meets monthly and is rapidly growing. What began as a handful of men and women only a short time ago is now 200+ & continues to grow as we speak.
Our main objective is to promote the message of Divine Mercy, which his Holiness John Paul the Great so strongly encouraged the universal Church to make "known to all the peoples of the earth". We believe that through the heeding of his call to spread this message of Mercy that we will reach many broken, disillusioned souls who have never before looked at God as merciful and bring about a healing & renewal in our Church & community.
We believe this message — when offered not only as a devotion but also as a way of life — is akin to the mission of St Martha's which all of us want people to identify as a 'caring community that brings hope'. We feel it is no coincidence that we have been called to form this ministry more visibly because this is precisely what we are about — putting mercy into action.
Where there is a need, the Divine Mercy members will be there, behind the scenes, helping our Pastor, Fr. Jack Barker and other parish groups with whatever is necessary for the good of St. Martha's. We believe that our parish is being molded into something very beautiful & spiritual — and we know our Lord's gift of Divine Mercy will be a huge part of it.
If you feel called to learn more about Jesus' unfathomable mercy and/or help spread its message, please feel free to post a message or call the Church office and someone from our ministry will get back to you in a timely manner. Also, if you have a prayer need, don't hesitate to write us and be assured that we will lift your intentions up to our Merciful Lord.
Part of a homily our late Pope John Paul II said when he dedicated the Shrine of Divine Mercy near Krakow in August of 2002 sums up his desire that the message of Divine Mercy will be understood and accepted by all peoples.
"Wherever respect for life and human dignity are lacking, there is need of God's merciful love, in whose light we see the inexpressible value of every human being," he added. "Mercy is needed in order to ensure that every injustice in the world will come to an end in the splendor of truth."
At the end, the Pope quoted Jesus' words as recorded in Sister Faustina's diary, "From here, there must go forth 'the spark which will prepare the world for His final coming,'""This spark needs to be lighted by the grace of God," the Holy Father stressed. "This fire of mercy needs to be passed on to the world. ln the Mercy of God the world will find peace and mankind will find happiness!"
For more information about Divine Mercy, please visit the following websites:
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