We NEED you!
This is a reminder that our next meeting is Oct 24th. We have so much information to discuss and are in need of many volunteers! If you can't make it to the meeting, there are many, many volunteer opportunities that can be fulfilled from home. There is something for everyone, will you help?
*The divorce ministry has an extensive list of people in need of prayer partners-someone to keep a particular person in their daily prayers (Easy-can be done from home!)
*150 children are scheduled to go on a Confirmation retreat Nov 3-5. Chris Mueller is asking for little notes of encouragement. Just a few simple words. We need lots of them, soon! (Easy-can be done from home!)
*Trunk or Treat (Oct 31st)-Divine Mercy will be there with a table doing the cupcake dance. We need 3 dozen cupcakes (can be reimbursed-Can be done from home!)) and volunteers to staff the table and answer questions about Divine Mercy
*Veterans Day is coming-the food pantry is in need of quite an extensive list of items. Canned food is always accepted. (you can even bring to the meeting if you forget to put in bins)
*Christmas for the homebound-Divine Mercy will be donating bar soap (courtesy of Mike & Sophia Stack) and making cookies. We need volunteers who can bake any size/flavor.
(Easy, can be done at home & reimbursed if necessary)
*Eucharistic Ministers and Funeral Ministers (Sacristans, Altar Servers, Hospitality) are especially needed as we begin the holiday season. We all know that Mass attendance easily doubles during Advent. Frank Cuevas will put together training as people volunteer. Eucharistic Minister training only takes about half an hour total.
*Our banner has arrived and is beautiful! (thanks to donations from Deacon Pat & Eileen ) We are in need of someone to sew a fringe (gold or red) on. (We will purchase or reimburse fringe, whichever is most convenient) Another "can be done at home project" ***COVERED-Thank you Donna!***
*New parishioner calls-call new parishioners, make a list of their needs, email that information to one of us, bag stuffers (Can be done at home!)
*Divine Mercy Sunday-we are inviting the entire Hemet Vicariate to attend and will host a potluck, play, and retreat during Lent! Many volunteer opportunities can be completed at home. We need bag stuffers, phone tree callers, meal makers (Can be done at home) project managers, table staffers for each Mass, room hosts and so much more
*Prayer Warriors are needed to pray the chaplet w/sick, homebound, dying.
*Silent auction-Rosary Makers-need to design basket around "Divine Mercy theme"
For those of you who absolutely cannot help with a specific task, fervent prayers are always appreciated.
I hope to see many of you at the meeting,