Pope Benedict on Divine Mercy

Pope Benedict on Divine Mercy
..........................click image to read about Pope Benedict's book on Divine Mercy

Monday, January 11, 2010

Upcoming Events

Divine Mercy Sunday is almost here, but until then we have plenty to keep us busy:

Jan 15-Healing Mass

Jan 30-Divine Mercy general meeting 8:30 A.M.

Feb 12 & 13-Divine Mercy Conference in Pala

Feb 20-core team retreat

March 6-Informational Day 8 A.M. -3 P.M. for those with questions regarding Divine Mercy~We specifically need those who have stories of how Divine Mercy has personally touched their lives.

March-Rosary Makers silent auction-we need ideas to create a basket "themed" around Divine Mercy

April 7 & 10: special confession dates prior to Divine Mercy Sunday

April 11: Divine Mercy Sunday-this will include Potluck and play

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Works of Mercy Challenge: No. 7 Comfort the Afflicted

What is Mercy?

"Mercy as it is here contemplated is said to be a virtue influencing one's will to have compassion for, and, if possible, to alleviate another's misfortune. It is the teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas that although mercy is as it were the spontaneous product of charity, yet it is to be reckoned a special virtue adequately distinguishable from this latter (http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/10198d.htm)."

Who are the afflicted?

Basically anyone suffering mental or physical distress. The jobless, the homeless, the remorseful, the family member watching their loved one die. All of us at one time.

Our challenge is to be the outstretched arms of Jesus and take action now! Not convince ourselves that someone else will handle it. Sometimes that means a simple prayer~ but often it means stepping out of our comfort zone and taking a chance. It could be hugging the stranger sobbing in the chapel or engaging someone in conversation. If we only stop and open our eyes, the opportunities will arise.

To whom will you be Jesus today?

Good Job on Divine Mercy Blog

From Anonymous -

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now; keep it up!